
Tuesday, September 29, 2009


说什么读sejarah能让我们引以为戒,不再重返错误,大言不惭地说“past experiences if not forgotten is the guide for the future"
拜托,真是笑死人了,"俯撖“我们伟大的国家,哪来的future 啊==‘’,不该犯的错误还不是犯了一次又一次,连法律都没办法纠正的错误,竟然还妄想用sejarah 来唤醒大家,口头上的爱国精神,名义上的端庄威严,这些就是你们想要得吗?这根本是自欺欺人,没事找绳子上吊!!!(难怪被british骗了那么多次还不知悔改)
真的是“带赛”带到家,因为你一个“人”害我不能straight A1,haizzzzz
那个ah ah la 还敢叫我sehari satu jam bersama dengan sejarah, sejarah不要让我得脑残我就谢天谢地了,还要我每天看?!

Monday, September 28, 2009


还有阿,最让人懊恼的sejarah,真的是kns 的咯,我整个考试就全权攻sejarah罢了,竟然敢敢跟我拿76==‘’
不提还好,都不懂为什么paper 3 烂到拿35???!!!!
xiao C ,你给我看着,我一定要取代你上柔佛榜!!!(讲爽罢了啦,不要当真)


Sunday, September 20, 2009

my holiday gone T.T

接着,我说了我不要读新加坡,不要勉强我(再吵我就去读form 6 ><'')
喂呀,小姐,本来这个假期我要好好relax 的,现在全被你搞炸了,人家刚刚考完试咧(考完试的最大^^). 我跟你有仇吗T.T 。。。算了拉,终极三国里的“刘备”说:兵来“酱”档,我就勉强再帮你挡一次(鲍鱼跌价了><)....不过这是最后一次啊,下不为例,下次你请皇上来也没用0.0

Saturday, September 19, 2009

cabal--capella vs procyon

recently i m quite mad abt cabal, keep screen shot (futhermore my skill oso not bad><)
yesterday, there is a personal war between capella & procyon at desert scream cc12 (war channel) ,it is all becoz of me...(haha)
becoz i song song use my friend,fireryice de char go cc12 to find "trouble" (cant said lyk tat la,becoz cc12 is free 4 war)...suddenly i saw a low level capella ,so i m so thrill n trigger att against her ,not gentleman at all ( i m gal leh ==''),by then a war is ensued....

i dun noe wat their skill name,but it is really wonderful n amazing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

lyk two force conquer each other~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

my party de skill~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

my party all pro pro de,all above lvl 100+,only mE.... T.T(calvin u should jy to catch up their pace XD)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

capella oso start to ask their "senior" come to aid them ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

haha,party time!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ccccc,shiok right,i wonder how come the npc can watch our war leisurely ><~~~~~~~~~

dun curious y my hp owes full,becoz i owes dash away when tio att, let my part membern capella fight first then i 渔翁得利,i owes resposible 4 the "critical" att, (lol) sound lyk so noble right? but actually it is jus a 投机action ><''

c, i summore can dance in the "arena" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

oh ya,this is my party member "chewing gum" (not the sweet la,it is his char name)...he quite pro,solo 3 capella which r above level 80 at once ( sekali he lvl 151 liao ma ;3)

haha,capella owes tio pop 围殴( shhhhhh, i oso capella de ><'')...but too bad , now i m using pop char ,cant help ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*appreciate urself ba, now i going to war le ><

Thursday, September 17, 2009

cabal 3 ----freryice

calvin aka freryice aka bl00dyhell aka hugesword aka ..(u open so many char,i forgot the last3 le ==) who r 15 years old now wif a 21 years old mental(lol). his acc pw is xxxxxxxx XP

if not wong, this is omium suit, nice ho ('0')~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i lyk his bow s0 much,nice style,purple coulor summoe got "blink""bbnk" de~~~~~~

i jus noe he invent lot of alz in his eq, wat suit 35mil , lapis crystal+6 20 mil or wat, from head till toe,almost 100mil (siao right?)

btw,it is worthy la,no wonder he got high reputation in his pvp,(so scare i will ruin his name) ;3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

FORT RUNIA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i forgt the skill name,is throwing star gua i thnk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

terra lance or fire canon?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
this skill i dun have-.-(aiyo i dun wan buy only ma,if i wan buy small case 4 me ><)


okok,this is the skill that i appreciate ,admire n envy a lot OMG~ gravitational distortion!!!~~~

super nice~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

c the damage n the mon who tio "absorb" into this range 自己保重~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
gradualy enlarge(wf sale fator 3 at cere 4,3) lol><''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

battle mode (cabal 2)

start my battle mode~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
summoning double gun~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

shiok leh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


lyk so cheng~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

the noob mon still "dunno wat is elephant" ,keep attacking me,after i finsih"loading" my gun then u noe!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
amazing ho~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
yeah,my gun~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

START ATTACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
DOUBLE-aiming(2 mon at once)^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~haha,act cool a while first XD~~~~~

*CALVIN,DUN WORRY,I WILL HELP U SS (in my next post),since u r more pro than me ,so ur char will be more mesmerising ><

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


本来我今天要把我三国的“辉煌史”(lol)放上来show off 的,可是三国的全app功能办还没出玩,不用紧,我觉得cabal的图片也蛮美的,(其实我也是skilling skill 到一半偷跑出来XD)
首先,我要放我自己的character,一个跟主人一样美,一样“厉害”的character ><''

titanum set(目前最高的eq)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

看,还可以玩audition ><~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
bluestin set ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mage 得衣不错哦(不过我是force archer)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

haiz,我梦寐以求的skill(vital), (可恶calvin 酱快就max liao,我还要30多个skill point)==
adept aramid set ( 从"hoshi"那里“偷”过来的)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

接下来,让你们开开眼界,看看我的skill(这也是我最失败的地方,玩的on9 game 中烂的一次,早就好听lance n calvin 的劝告,努力skilling =='' haiz),不过她的skill勉强看得过去啦~

shadow shot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(目前为止因该是我最高的skill)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

the stupid mon 围殴我,没礼貌~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
haha,刚刚好,excellent de combo>< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
要不是我在skilling,一定把你3- hit- ko ,不会考虑一下我穿adept 咩,很痛咧~T。T


什么都可以看,就是不要看我hp,too lao kui le ==''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
stone canon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

poison arrow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

lightning canon~~~~~~~~~(这张最帅,那兔子飞起来的〉<)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wa,nice leh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

buff my self~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*i haven show my battle mode ,omg super nice -----gun twinner (or twin gunner)lol forgot le
i wan sleep le now ,later when i wake up , i will continue to add ^^