
Monday, January 18, 2010


昨天去了新加坡在kl举办的升学展和IMU 的 MAIN CAMPUS(AT KL OSO)~
原本信心满满地询问dentistry 的course,那个长得还算ok的kaunsellor 告诉我,singapore 一年只收48个dentistry的学生,comprise of 20% foreign student only!!!tat mean not more than 10 ppl from foreign country can join the PRECIOUS 10 slot... student worldwide would have to fight for the 10 slot ==,summore a fabulous of exam,interview n oso the dexterity test would carry out before u r eligible to the sg dentistry course , omg ,then if i ever habour any hope of emulate all those my competitor then i have to go through the grind of practise hard ==''...futhermore all the test test test before i enroll to their sch may eat up lot of my PRECIOUS time + dentistry nid many yrs of toil in their colledge oso...after i graduate mayb i oredi 人老珠黄==
SO, after i weight the pros n cons , i make a heart-breaking decision tat is GIV UP my intention of persuiting a dentistry course in singapore T.T...
(but i got reap some benefit from the fair too,eg i take lot of pen,bag, notepad,n oso the key chain>< i lyk the 鱼尾狮doll key chain alot so i keep "steal" from the kausellor XD)

next,i proceed to IMU main campus for their open day ...for everyone knowledge, IMU is now the mos seek after n well-known for it science-related course,after the 3 hours-last kaunselling session,i found out that biotech, nutrition n dietetics, paraceutical chemistry have the best job outlook n career prospect...this is becoz this 3 jobs rely on not only ur professional knowledge ,expertise but oso ur own creative n curiousity ,unlyk the other medical job which r only depend merely on ur knowledge lvl ...it is undisputable that the doctor,pharmacy,chemical engineering would have high-paid job but the growth of the income r constant futhermore if count from aspect of pressure,working hour,holidays,working environment ,doctor r the worst ...i consent wat he said.altot the salary for the postgraduated biotech student may b low(RM2000-RM3000) but there r owes a high leap for these students by becoming researcher proffesor.lecturer or even consultan...so now , i might eradicate the idea of becoming dentist n the idea of take part in biotech or nutrition revolving aroung my mind ...haiz,confusing now ==

Monday, January 4, 2010


考完所谓的“终极大考”SPM 后的预想和现实情况的简直天渊之别(显到要死!!!!)

刚入中一,我和欣婷两人可说是相依为命>< 我们背景离“家”地来到这个人生地不熟的“纳杜彭加华过重”,望着一张一张好奇的脸。。。“今年的中一好小只阿”这是令我印象最深的一句话,不过忘了那发言人是谁了。富有爱"送死精神“的我和欣婷把我们的”千金“包袱---书报丢在课室后就到处去”探险“,(computer room 后面也跑去)只差没有跳下鱼塘了==


到了中二,跟广悦比较熟,还记得他那凶神恶煞的样子让我帮他取了灭绝师太的外号><(还好他没有看我的部落各)。今年我成为了华文学会的推荐理事>< 一个让我见识到什么是团结就是力量,设么叫做有志者事竟成。。。看着各位领导魄力一流的高层,看着一个个扣人心铉的活动举办成功,让chokia chokia 的我改变不少。今年也是让我对绍勤改观的一年。science lab 时跟他同组,发现他除了长得“抱歉”一点(开玩笑)其实满好相处,爱开玩笑,有趣好玩。。。偷偷告术你们,有一次他椅子做不稳,差点跌下去然后吓到一下的样子真实好笑〉《他以为没人看到,害我不好意思笑出来,拼命忍XD...有一次子恒和舜恩打架,不懂是什么误会,不过还好最终和好如初,yeah~ ( 还好我赌他们最后会和好〉0<)


new moon saga 里教的,转一圈=一个月....XP
michelle 也在今年尾转校了。

有一次玉盈打盹被抓到然后被他喊处去白板做题目, 玉盈在做的时候他还一边骂,这样吵人家怎样做哦==。那一次玉盈哭了,吓到我。
有两个老师我超爱的,salina n saadah i love u ><

(my pizza hut voucher expire le T.T)
banana jinx, nerdy noob nooby nerd,爱到不敢冒险,bapak dia,完美并不美,好多好多的kata istilah ><

last, i will keep all these memory foever to the eternity ,thx for all for giving me such a valueblememory,i will cherish it ><